yup it hit 120 this week. and yet here i am, sitting at this computer and emailing you all. see, god does work miracles. and its true! he does!
it seems that things always get worse before they get better. but god is pretty awesome!that i have seen over my mission. Satan always throws his hardest challenges at us before things get better.
its like light. we want light to just turn on, like a switch. but alot of the time, when we are learning it comes more like the sunrise. its always the darkest at like 3:30 before then the sun starts to come up and its slow and gradual but then the world is filled with light.
i have seen how this has blessed my life. because although i want quick answers and instant results. sometimes, i dont get it. most of the time i dont get it. it just comes slowly, line upon line precept on precept, here a little there a little, until finally i can understand and see enough ahead to take the next step. and that step is scary, but it is so worth it. i have seen people take those steps of faith by letting missionaries in, accepting and reading a book of Mormon. praying to know if it is true. and it is amazing! and i have seen it in my life as i have done those exact same things.
i know the book of mormon is true. 400% i would definitely not be out here biking in 105 with direct sunlight if i didnt. this message has changed my life for the better. this is true
its cray cray!! i have felt like i should be dying but the days are going by so fast! its fun!
my comp and i have a thorn in our sides, aka our bikes keep breaking, but its worth it because we have seen miracles! just small ones like people giving us water or letting us cool down or even just giving us a snack.
this week is going to be short. but know that this is true, i am surviving, and actually starting to enjoy the heat if that was even possible!
stay hydrated!
always yours
sister cordon
DINOSAUR!!! (is this Jurassic park? yikes)
me forgetting pics again
bishop woodmansee giving us snacks at the door, he was alone with his kids, and sisters cant go into a house with a lone man, so he gave us snacks through the door and stepped out side so we could use his bathroom
commitment board, the nyan cat is our district leader elder vapel
honey is leaking out of our church building cause its so hot and they didnt clean up a hive they found a few months ago, but they killed the bees, so honey is just free flowing #landofmilkandhoney? #ithawt